Hello Association Members,
As August ends and September approaches, we, the Association, want to keep you informed on certain news on the state of the taxi industry and the Department of For-Hire Vehicles (DFHV).
Firstly, as some of you may have heard, there is a situation presently regarding Bay Cab and its drivers. To those members affected by the situation, we want you to know your Association is here for you, and doing its best to soften the blow as best we can. We have received countless phone calls, and made just as many ourselves to DFHV, taxi companies, and other parties, since we first heard the news. Currently, our main focus in the matter is to get the affected drivers back to work and signed up with another company, before we can focus on other angles in the case. To those affected by the Bay Cab situation, starting Saturday, Sept. 1st, you will be able to sign up with another company and get back on the road. If you were a driver with Bay Cab, or have been affected by the company, PLEASE contact the Association representatives at the Teamsters office!
In addition, and this is for everyone - members or non-members - if you sign any contracts or documents, PLEASE request a copy of the paperwork. IT IS YOUR RIGHT, and the other party CANNOT deny you a copy or receipt. Keeping copies of any contract you sign should be common sense, and a priority especially when joining a new company or organization. It also makes it tougher for us to represent our members in cases and hearings when there is no paperwork or evidence to use. Therefore, and we'll say it again, PLEASE keep a copy of ALL paperwork and documents that you sign from here on out.
Thirdly, it has come to our attention that certain taxi operators with the CMT system or with ICON are being targeted by DFHV. Please be very careful! Hack officers will be issuing citations (unlawful taxi acts) as well as impounding the vehicles on sight. In addition, after paying the fees to have your car released, be aware that additional unlawful citations may be issued under a theft pretense. If you face any of the above situations, Come straight to the Teamsters office, and one of the Association representatives will assist you.
Do not forget to bring the following items when visiting the Teamsters office:
-Driver's License
-Face ID
-The ticket/notice of infraction
-Your receipt for the impound as well as from DFHV, if applicable.
We will guide you through the next steps, and take care of the ticket for you.
Lastly, we, the Association, would like to take this time to introduce your new Board members. Your new Association Board is as follows:
Goitom Abselab, President
Chris Ekhator, Vice-President
Lawson Hamilton, Secretary-Treasurer
Eartha Clark, Recording Secretary
Ulysses McLaughlin, Membership Recruitment
Ope Blaize, Organizer
Thank you to all those that came to the monthly membership meetings and cared enough to stay engaged. And also a thanks to the new Board members for your continued participation. We are excited in the new direction we are taking, and cannot wait to begin making some necessary changes. If any members are interested in meeting the new Board or getting in touch, contact the Teamsters office.
Feel free to contact or visit the Teamsters office with any taxi-related issues, and as always, stay Union Strong!